Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The start to my journey......

Hello All!!!

Let me just put the disclaimer out there, I know I'm missing the 's in my blog name...lol. But unfortunately God'sGhanaGal was already taken so I decided to just drop the apostrophe  - didn't want you all to think I have more than just ONE God or do not know simple punctuation (for all my friends who correct people's spelling and punctuation on social media...love you gals) OK with that out of the way here is the start to my journey.....

Well as some of you know I have a heart for missions. I have gone on 6 mission trips in the past 6 years, five to Kenya and one to Ghana. After the first time I stepped foot on African soil I was hooked....the people, the culture, the children, the simple life and the fact that I felt God every where. Yes, in a land stricken with poverty I saw and felt God more than ever before! Maybe it's because, even though the people there don't possess all the things we do in America, they praise God like they have all of what we have and more. They have much less but complain much less...this was perplexing to me. I have more than I need and complain almost everyday about something or another. You can say going there humbled me greatly!

I went to Ghana in January 2014 and spent 8 days in Accra. When I got off the plane and breathed in the African air it was like I was home. As I rode in the car to our destination tears filled my eyes....Africa is where I am suppose to be. Little did I know, I would be making plans to come back in 6 short months.  My time there was awesome, I meet some wonderful people and we did some great things! Of course, my favorite was spending time with the children! I am in my element when I am around them..... laughing, singing songs, playing games, dancing and just getting to know each other.

 Before I left Ghana I knew I would be back! However, I did not know it would be so soon. My plan was to go to Ghana and then come home and prepare for my annual mission trip to Kenya. Well God had other plans......when I came home I longed to be back in Africa. As I was suffering from jet lag, God and I were able to spend some quality time together :) During one of our late night/early morning conversations He confirmed the fact that I would not be going to Kenya but to Ghana. OOHHH I did not agree with this plan at all!!! "Why can't I go to Kenya? My babies will be soooo sad, I will be so sad!! Let's rethink this thing God!!" But He did not change His mind even when I tried to change it for Him by coming up with a different plan. I was trying to figure out ways to have a secure income while over in Ghana. I will go, but God I need you to do this before I completely give into your plan. Weeeell He didn't like that idea.... so here I am going to Ghana on June 25, 2014 (the same date that the team is going to Kenya). I will be there for a year doing mission work and will also be fundraising for my support while there. God always gets the last word....lol.

This is a trip of faith!!! I have prayed that God will reveal Himself in everything dealing with this trip and He has...everyday! I can say that my trust for God has grown in a short period of time. He is preparing me for what He has for me...which I do not exactly know but I know it's going to be great and for His glory!! I do not know why He choose me but He did and for the first time in a long time I am not going to run from the calling but embrace it! 

Greater things to come.......

If you would like to support me through prayer, financially or both it would be greatly appreciated! You can contact me at asu61274@gmail.com for further information.

Thanks in advance!


  1. I'm excited...I'm your first blog posted comment.

    I am so very proud of you and the step of faith you are taking to do this. I know you spent much time seeking God's direction before you made this decision. You are an amazing woman and I am proud to be your friend and support you on your God Journey.

    Happy Feet comes to mind when I think of you...and I don't mean the movie. Between your dancing for the LORD, your love for Him and your dedication to Him, you are an inspiration.

    I love you dearly,
    M ; )

    Isaiah 52:7 (NLT)
    7 How beautiful on the mountains
    are the feet of the messenger who brings good news,
    the good news of peace and salvation,
    the news that the God of Israel[a] reigns!


    Romans 10:15 (NLT)
    15 And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!”

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Excuse the typos and and the miss spelled words, but I thought I was previewing my post and it published it.

    Oh well, it wouldn't be me without a few mistakes.

    M ; )

  4. Thx Mickie!! I love you dearly!! I am honored to know you and you have always encouraged me! I am so blessed that God has placed you in my life!! Miss you soooo much!!

  5. I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see what God has up His sleeve! Love you!

  6. Thanks Heather!!! Love ya too!
