Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hearts for Ghana T-shirt

Out of the heart flows the springs of life..... the heart is essential in all that we do. Without the heart there is no life.....

My love for missions started when I was a young. It has always tugged at my heart to see someone unhappy or in need be it a friend or a complete stranger. I would quickly try to come up with a "plan" to make things better for that money, telling a joke, a loving embrace, crying with them, words encouragement.... I just wanted them to feel loved. Well I did not know then, it would turn into something like spending a year in Ghana.

We all long after one word in our lives......LOVE.  It is desired by every living thing on earth....big or small, animal or human, young or old. It does not matter your race, religion, male or female LOVE is what we search for on this journey called life. I have heard the saying many times that money makes the world go round but I believe LOVE does.

I am asking you to partner with me to send LOVE across the seas. I am pre-selling t-shirts to help fund my mission trip to Ghana. They are $25 each for Youth MED-AdultXL and $27 for Adult XXL and XXXL. It's simple, click the button below and it will take you directly to my paypal account where you can tell me exactly the size and quantity you would like. Also, please provide me with your address if you would like your shirt(s) shipped to you.

Feel free to post a picture of you wearing your Hearts for Ghana t-shirt on my face book page or yours!!


I greatly appreciate your support!!!


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